Temne of Sierra Leone

Temne of Sierra Leone

African Agency in the Making of a British Colony

Bangura, Joseph J.

Cambridge University Press






15 a 20 dias


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Part I. Historical Epistemology: 1. Introduction: rethinking history and Freetown historiography; 2. Frontiers of identity: the Creoles and the politics of belonging; Part II. Beyond the Colonial Sphinx: African Agency in the Making of the Colony: 3. Realpolitik and boundaries of power: the Temne in local administration; 4. Intergroup relations and genealogies of conflict: the Temne and Freetonian dichotomy; Part III. Ethnocentrism and New Frames of Popular Culture: 5. Temne cultural associations and popular representations; 6. Islamic triumphalism in a Christian colony: Temne Agency in the spread and Sierra Leonization of Islam; 7. From the margins to the center: the role of Temne market women traders; 8. Conclusion: nexus of microhistory: new perspective on the Colony's historical landscape; Bibliography; Index.