Shipsheds of the Ancient Mediterranean

Shipsheds of the Ancient Mediterranean

Blackman, David; Gerding, Henrik; Pakkanen, Jari; Baika, Kalliopi; Rankov, Boris

Cambridge University Press






15 a 20 dias


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1. Introduction David Blackman and Boris Rankov; 2. Research and investigation of ancient shipsheds David Blackman; 3. Classical and Hellenistic sheds David Blackman; 4. Roman shipsheds Boris Rankov; 5. The economy of shipshed complexes: Zea, a case study Jari Pakkanen; 6. Ships and shipsheds Boris Rankov; 7. Slipping and launching Boris Rankov; 8. Ramps and substructures David Blackman; 9. Roofs and superstructures Henrik Gerding; 10. The topography of shipshed complexes and naval dockyards Kalliopi Baika; 11. The fortification of shipsheds and naval arsenals Kalliopi Baika; 12. Small-scale and rock-cut naval bases Kalliopi Baika; 13. Conclusions: not just garages David Blackman and Boris Rankov; Catalogue of shipsheds and miscellanea Kalliopi Baika, David Blackman, Henrik Gerding, Judith McKenzie and Boris Rankov.